Assignment #2
What is a Quaffle?A Quaffle is a ball used in the wizarding game of Quidditch. It is twelve inches in diameter, red, leather-covered ball used as the main object of play. The three Chasers carry and pass the Quaffle to their opponent’s goal hoops, where they try to score points by throwing it through one of the three rings. Each time it passes through the hoops, the scoring team scores ten points.
What is a Bludger?
A Bludger is a round, jet black ball, made of iron, and is used in the wizarding sport of Quidditch. It is ten inches in diameter. There are two Bludgers used in every match, which are bewitched to fly around and try to knock the players off of their brooms. It is the Beater’s job to protect their teammates from the Bludgers and at the same time aim them towards the opposing players.
What is a Snitch?
The Golden Snitch, sometimes called simply the Snitch, is the fourth ball used in Quidditch. It is a small gold-coloured sphere with wings and is about the size of a walnut. It flies around the Quidditch field at high speeds, sometimes pausing and hovering in place. The Seeker’s goal is to catch the Snitch before the other team’s seeker, which is worth one-hundred and fifty points. The game can only end when the Snitch has been caught.
And also, what thing was replaced by the Snitch = Answered correctly
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